Handwriting Analysis for Identifying True Character


Personal Handwriting Analysis

Most of us go through life never really knowing our true personality or realising our potential. It is therefore refreshing and comforting to discover that through handwriting analysis (graphoanalysis) you can discover certain qualities, skills and hidden talents, understand personality strengths and weaknesses, for either yourself, a relative, friend or colleague.

Now is your chance.

Face to Face Analysis:
Given the opportunity, most people prefer the confidential setting of a face-to-face analysis. During your analysis Ruth will work through her findings with you, being sure that you fully understand what she has concluded, and the best way to use the information to your best advantage. This can always be followed up by a written report if you so wish.

To live up more to your full potential?
To make a difference in your life and the lives of others?

Awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses are a key in self awareness and personal development which have far reaching effects in our relationships, careers and personal plans. Confirmation of strengths of character and hidden talents can be very empowering and increase your confidence and personal belief system. It can give you the nudge to make a key decision or change in your life that you have hankered to make. Being aware of your weaknesses does not have to be negative. It can identify situations and relationships you need to avoid or perhaps identify where therapy could make a positive contribution to the quest for personal growth.

Relationships are the most significant aspect of our social existence, whether the relationship is intimate, a friendship, with our children, a parent or colleague they have a strong influence on how we feel about ourselves.

In the business world no amount of money can ensure that a team can actually work together - conflicting personalities can destroy a team that has cost a company of lot of time, energy and money to build.

Most of us imagine that we know ourselves, but it's when we are in an intimate relationship the reality of compatibility hits us. Handwriting analysis can be enormously helpful in finding out whether you and your partner are actually compatible and identify any similarities and differences, both good and bad, in your personalities. This knowledge can be very powerful in helping you to make choices as to how to work together, and compromise if necessary.

Executive Positions
To include the science of graphology as a part of compiling a candidate profile for executive positions can be a well-chosen investment. With the inherent costs of hiring and training key members of staff to have references and psychometric tests confirmed by handwriting analysis can be a valuable tool in assessing the suitability of a candidate for positive team building.

A graphologist can identify where the candidate stands on leadership, logic, motivation, IQ, creativity and other social traits with an astonishing high degree of accuracy.